Add Your Linkedin Profile Widget In WordPress

How To Add Your LinkedIn Profile Widget In WordPress

Everyone knows that social media marketing is one of the best things you can adopt to boost the growth of your business.

And LinkedIn is the platform you can’t neglect to play with. This is one of the biggest professional networks which is influencing many.

Have you ever thought to add your LinkedIn profile widget in WordPress to get more followers? You can use your website to connect with more people.

Haven’t you read the guide how I gained 10000 LinkedIn followers in a few months? It’s always good to meet your audience on a professional platform like LinkedIn.

Adding The LinkedIn Profile To WordPress Manually

Just like adding LinkedIn button to your website, you have to generate the official code to place it wherever you want to show the profile widget.

Visit the LinkedIn Member Profile Plugin page. If you’re already logged in, you will see your profile otherwise a button tolog inn.

Click on that button and you will see your profile. You can adjust its appearance using a few options shown. You can decide whether you want to show the full widget or only the LinkedIn icon.

After finalizing the design, you have to generate the official code of your LinkedIn profile by clicking on the “Get Code” button.

It will show you a box consisting the code. Copy this code and paste it anywhere on your WordPress website.

Most of the people like to add it in the sidebar because it’s more visible. Go to Appearance>>Widgets and add a text box in the sidebar. Paste the code and save.

You have successfully embedded the LinkedIn profile widget in your website’s sidebar.

Add Your LinkedIn Profile Widget In WordPress Using A Plugin.

Just like Facebook, there is a plugin to add your LinkedIn profile widget in WordPress.

Install and activate WP LinkedIn plugin. After installation, there are many steps required. You have to create a LinkedIn app and add the client ID and client secret keys in the plugin.

Step 1:- Go to Settings>>LinkedIn and the plugin’s settings will appear to you. From all the tabs shown on this page, open the LinkedIn API tab which will show you the spaces to add the Client ID and client secret.

You would notice a Redirect URL, copy this URL. You will require it later while creating an app.

Step 2:- To create a new LinkedIn app, go to LinkedIn Developer’s Page and click on the “Create application” button.

It will take you to a new page.

Step 3:- Here you have to fill your name, company name, the description, and a photo. Make sure that you upload the photo with the same dimensions from each side.

It should be square to fit properly. After that, you would need to choose for what this application is required. You have to select the Application Use from the drop-down list.

A few more fields like your business email address, business phone, and website URL are also required.

After filling all the entries click on the “Submit” button. And don’t forget to check the terms and conditions agreement box.

Step 4:- With a new page, you will see the Client ID and the Client Secret API. Copy these APIs and paste in the WordPress plugin’s settings.

Step 5:- Scroll down and you will see some more fields to fill. If you remember, you have copied the redirect URL from the plugin in the first step, you have to paste that URL under Authorized Redirect URL.

Paste that URL and click on the “Add” button. The best part is that you can add more than one redirect URL which means you can use it on more than one website.

Click on the “Update” button and you’re good to go.

Step 6:- Get back to your WordPress dashboard and save the plugin settings. Navigate to Appearance>>Widgets and you will see the LinkedIn profile widget.

Drag and drop it in the sidebar. Save it and you will see your LinkedIn profile widget in the sidebar.

I Hope You Can Easily Add Your LinkedIn Profile Widget In WordPress.

The choice is yours whether you use the official code generated by the LinkedIn member profile plugin or the WordPress plugin.

From my opinion, the most convenient method is to generate the code. Copy and paste it anywhere on your website.

What would you go for? Are you going to use the WordPress plugin? Whatever you choose, isn’t that easy to add your LinkedIn profile widget in WordPress?

You would be interested in a guide to add LinkedIn share button to website. If you have any doubt, feel free to drop a comment.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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    1. Hey Bren,

      I have always loved LinkedIn and it’s the best platform for me to explore more. Your LinkedIn profile can be used anywhere you want. This widget will help you grow.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Ravi, I really like that. Would that be best on your about me page or where else would you recommend it go? I’ve been working on updating mine and wondered how that would work there. I’m not sure where else to put it as I’m keeping my sidebars clean.

    I do love LinkedIn. You are really rocking it there now Ravi. Thanks for sharing how to do this.

    1. Hey Lisa,

      It would be a great idea to show your LinkedIn profile on the about us page. It can be done by placing the code in the text editor while creating the page.

      Though the sidebar option is always the best to use but you have removed the sidebar so about us page is the only option.

      Thanks for your support.

      Have an amazing day.


  2. Hello Ravi,

    Thanks for this tutorial on how add LinkedIn profile to WordPress blog. Before I get started I want to know that is this plugin works with every theme? Are there any limitations of using it? Will it work on Mobile devices?

    1. Hey Vishwajeet,

      If you’re using WordPress then no limitation will be there. It will work with every WordPress theme. The choice is yours whether you want to use the first method or the second.

      It’s the official LinkedIn profile widget, you don’t need to worry about its responsiveness.


  3. Hi Ravi, I love your tutorial, so easy to follow! I think it’s a great idea to have social links on your blog, it certainly does get followers, and social share buttons are essential too!

    Enjoy the journey!

    1. Hey Mandy,

      Social media exposure is something everyone craves. Adding your LinkedIn profile on your website can help you connect with more people. Showing your social media platforms is always a great idea.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  4. You can connect to other professionals in your “network,” search for and apply to available jobs, and even join groups of like-minded people exploring a variety of subjects.

    One great way to promote your LinkedIn profile is by adding a LinkedIn badge to your website! This allows your website visitors to easily access your LinkedIn profile to verify your professional status and connect to you.

    1. Hey Victoria,

      It’s all about connecting with more people. Especially with your blog audience. Adding a LinkedIn profile badge can really give you some exposure.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  5. Hey Ravi,

    LinkedIn is a healthy source for our business when we use it wisely – it definitely show positive results. We can publish content on our LinkedIn profile, then we have a powerful way to ensure that our contacts see our latest content.

    The process which you have explored in this post by using plugin to add Linkedin profile widget – I’ve tried and found authentic and simple. Thanks for sharing.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  6. Hi Ravi,

    Simple and powerful tutorial here. As is always the case on your blog.

    I have focused my energies on Twitter and Facebook. Due to show a bit more love to LinkedIn. Super platform for connecting with, helping and befriending pros from within your niche.

    Thanks for sharing ?


    1. Hey Ryan,

      We all have our platforms to focus on. I have never really into Facebook or Pinterest but Twitter and LinkedIn have always been on the list. Adding your social profile gives your blog readers a chance to connect with you through a different platform.

      I am glad to hear your kind words.

      Thanks for your support.


  7. Hello


    Linkedin is one of the most important social media platform and when we add its profile widget to our wordpress then it will make our wordpress blog more professional. When I know the importance of Linkedin am getting closer to it.

    The step by step guide from your side to add linkedin profile widget in wordpress is easy to know and create.

    Thanks for sharing informative post as always.

    Best wishes,

    Praveen verma

  8. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for showing us how to add our LinkedIn profile widget in WordPress. I can use this on my blogging website. ?

    Like Lisa, I’m wondering if it will look good embedded in our About page since I don’t have any sidebars.

    As always, great tutorial!

    Hope all is well. ?


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